Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ethan Myers

Meet Ethan.

Age: 16
Grade completed: 10th
His mom: Pediatrician working in the hospital

His dad: works with local church development

They have been here in Papua New Guinea for: 13 years

Most challenging thing about being an MK:
Separation from family in the states, and siblings that go to college in the states

The best:
"Family" of Kudjip station, close friends here

Favorite thing about the MK highschool:
It’s very relaxed and informal ( I don’t have to ask to go to the bathroom, and that is nice.)

Learning style:
Short sprints with long breaks

Favorite subject:
Math or biology
Biology because it is interesting
Math because it doesn’t take too much memorization and general learning, and I get to listen to music while I do it. It is mindless work.

Least favorite subject:
It’s subjective,  completely open to opinion, and positively boring. 

Interested in doing:
I have interest in military, but I’m not sure. 
Possibly flying helicopters. 

Favorite things:
Hanging out with small groups of close friends
Watching movies with friends
Computer games

Favorite hobbies:
Guitar and running

Voted most likely to: 
Become a bald hermit with a shotgun
Shave a chipmunk
Only ever use one chair in the course of his life
Interpret everything the teacher says as an insult that will scar him for life

Quotes from the year:
"I hate the pictures in my history book of people who already have facial hair, because that leaves nothing for me to do!"
"I can't help it, I have deep-set eyes. Which is actually better because they are more protected this way."
"It’s like sucking jello through a small straw…possible, but difficult."

My favorite thing about Ethan:
His refusal to be anything but his own crazy self. 

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